Health & Wellness


Are supplements important? You bet they are. You want to get healthy and stay that way? Read More.
Glycemic Index
Carbohydrates are an important source of energy. Are all carbs the same? No, they aren't. Some are bad news.  Read More.
Free radicals attacking your cells are the cause of degenerative diseases!!! We need huge amounts of antioxidants to combat them.  Read More.
Cellular Nutrition
Feed your cells and protect them. If your cells are healthy so are you.  Read More.

Power of Water
Free Radicals
Losing Weight
Glycemic Index
















Nutrition, Food & Supplements

You are what you eat. This is so true today. And to make things worse most of us eat such poor diets it is no wonder cancer, diabetes, heart disease  & obesity are issues. Eating proper nutrition is important to your health and well being.

We live too short and die too long

Ask yourself this question, are you looking forward to a long, healthy and fun retirement? Or are you waiting and wondering what degenerative disease will be yours to live with till you die?

It doesn't have to be that way. You can be healthy into your retirement

Ever hear someone say if I'd known I was going to live this long I would've taken better care of myself? Well, you are only given one body. Too bad we aren't given an instruction manual along with it. But that is no excuse for not learning how to take care of yourself and loved ones. You have a lifetime to figure out how to care for your body. And you only have one go at this, make it your best. Live long and prosper. (1)

Not knowing how to best take care of yourself is not totally your fault.

There are huge influences out there that make money if you aren't healthy. And these influences have a direct impact on the information being given to us on how to stay healthy. They spend a whole lot of money to get misinformation out. And in our ever changing fast paced lives, with the information changing so rapidly it is easy to include misinformation on purpose. Knowledge is power. Take charge of your own health and well being. 

What is here:
bulletFoods -  You are what you eat - The Food Pyramid we have so long been told to use as a guideline is misinformation at best! It was updated recently but modified by BIG Business before it was released. Read More There is a healthy Food Pyramid.
bulletAntioxidants & Free Radicals  - more than 70 degenerative diseases are caused by free radicals damaging the cells in your body over the years. Read what a free radical is and how antioxidants can help you fight the damage with antioxidants.
bulletGenetically Modified Foods (GMO's) - This is more widespread then you can imagine. Are GMO foods safe to eat? What are the long term implications? Are we letting a dangerous genie out of the bottle? You have to read this for your own knowledge and health.
bulletAspartame and artificial sweeteners - These things are BAD news. This is group of products you shouldn't use and make sure your kids aren't consuming them. These are worse than you can imagine. It's a HUGE business with lots of profits at the expense of your health. Read here.
bulletPop and Soda - More people drink this stuff than consume water. There is nothing good about drinking carbonated beverages like pop/soda. Empty calories at best, poison to your body at worse. And then toss in artificial sweeteners in the soda to make a bad situation even worse. Want to rot your teeth and create some health issues for yourself, keep drinking soda pop.
bulletGlycemic Index or Want to know why you can't lose weight? - Forget simple & complex carbs, think high & low glycemic index. Want to lose weight or learn why you can't lose? A diet of high glycemic carbs will take you on a path towards insulin resistance and diabetes. READ THIS.
bulletSupplements - Do I need supplements? Don't we get the nutrition we need from the foods we eat? What vitamins should we be taking? What should we look for in a supplement? And what is a supplement? What do those labels actually mean? Does the FDA regulate supplements? Is what we read or hear from the media really truth? Where does that information come from? What does your doctor know about the value of nutrition and supplements?
bulletCellular Nutrition - If you feed the cells of your body with proper nutrients, your cells and body will be healthy. If you don't then you're going to have problems long term. Experts say this is the key to health and well being. You need to read this to understand the most basic approach to health.
bulletRDA (Recommended Daily Requirement) -  The minimum daily requirements were never meant to be a guideline as to what an average person needs each day. Even the government recognizes that fact today. The RDA's have been changed these multiple times. Optimum daily needs should be the criteria not minimum anyway. Minimum daily requirements keep you from getting rickets and scurvy. Optimum levels can help you stay away from cancer and heart disease. Read this.
bulletDrug Companies - Forty-five percent (45%) of the US population is taking at least one prescription drug regularly. There are drugs today for problems we didn't know we had a few years ago. We should be trying to stay healthy and avoid drugs. How is this happening? You want to talk about BIG business influencing information read this. Especially read "Suddenly Sick" from the Seattle Times on the next page and that story about the medical schools. You need to know that information. We all do. It will change what happens on your next visit to your doctor.
bulletLots of Links - for more information or products


(1)" Live long and prosper" - Spock from Star Trek.
A Vulcan greeting often included with an appropriate hand gesture with the fingers split apart.



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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This web page or any products found here are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you find information here that is of interest to you, take it to your medical doctor for conversation and evaluation. Do not stop taking any prescription drugs without consulting with your medical doctor.

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